• Adhesivity of road bitumens and cationic bituminous emulsions to natural aggregates: spectrophotometric method.
• Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of tensile characteristics of modified bitumens by the force-ductility method.
• Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of needle penetration
• Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of softening point. Ring and ball method.
• Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of elastic recovery of modified bitumen.
• Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of resistance to curing under the effect of heat and air. – RTFOT method.
• Determination of affinity between aggregates and bitumen. Asphalt mixtures. Test methods for hot mix asphalt mixtures.
• Determination of bulk density after sedimentation in benzene or toluene – Tests for limestone stringer, chalk stringer and powdered pot stringer.
• Determination of ductility – Tests for bitumen.
• Determination of the true density of the spinneret. Pycnometer method.
• Sampling of bituminous binders. Bitumen and bituminous binders.
• Evaluation of fine parts. Methylene blue test.
• Limestone spinner, chalk spinner and slaked lime powder spinner. Determination of water content in ventilated oven.
• Grain size. Tests for limestone, chalk and slaked lime spinners.
• Sample preparation. Tests on limestone, chalk, slaked lime powder.
• Frass breaking point – Tests for bitumen and bituminous binders.